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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article was NOT published in another vehicle (journal, websites, electronic journal, congress proceedings, among others).
  • The files for submission are in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, or RTF format (as long as they do not exceed 2MB).
  • All Internet page addresses (URLs) included in the text (Ex.: are online and available.
  • The text is in 1.5 line spacing; uses a 12-point font; uses italics instead of underlining (except for URL addresses); with figures and tables inserted in the text, not at the end.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors, in the About the Journal section.
  • The identification of authorship of this work was removed from the file and the Properties option in Word, thus guaranteeing the confidentiality criteria of the journal, if submitted for peer review (e.g., articles).
  • If the article requires prior approval by the Ethics Committee, the author is aware of the need to attach the protocol and the opinion in the form of a Supplementary Document, at the end of the submission.
  • If the article is the result of research Funded by funding agencies, there must be identification in the text.

Author Guidelines

- The author must register on the OJS platform by accessing the Portal de Revistas Eletrônicas da Universidade de Fortaleza (Portal of Electronic Journals of the University of Fortaleza) (, choosing the AUTHOR option. Any doubts can be resolved by sending electronic messages to the journal's e-mail address (

Concerning the responsibility for the content of the article: The Editorial Board of Pensar - Revista de Ciência Jurídica is not responsible for the data and opinions expressed in the articles, which are the sole responsibility of the authors.

About copyright: Reproduction of articles in any media is permitted, as long as the source is cited. All rights are reserved to Fundação Edson Queiroz – Unifor. The journal uses the Creative Commons vs 3.0 license, with the conditions “non-commercial attribution” and “not adapted (CC BY-NC 3.0).

Opinion of the Ethics Committee: The author must be aware that, if the article requires the approval of the ethics committee, he must inform the approval protocol, attaching the respective opinion.

Any project that involves the participation of human beings (directly or indirectly) while being researched must be submitted to the Human Research Ethics Committee for consideration, as defined in CNS resolution 466/12: "[...] II.14 research involving human beings - research that, individually or collectively, has human beings as participants, in their entirety or parts, and involves them directly or indirectly, including the management of their data, information or biological materials;[..]"

Upon submission, the author must inform if there is a conflict of interest concerning the research.

Vernacular revision: We recommend that the text is previously submitted to a professional proofreader for the proper use of the language in which the article was written.

General Guidelines:
- The journal's editorial policy is oriented towards the publication of studies produced within the scope of stricto sensu Postgraduate programs, which implies the publication of scientific articles that have Ph.D. professors as authors or co-authors. Articles produced by undergraduates will not be published.
- Papers must be submitted in Word 97 format or higher (DOC standard).
- The full text, including tables, illustrations, and bibliographic references, must comply with the norms of the Brazilian Association of Technical Norms (ABNT), also following the instructions below:

> Title in Portuguese (and in the original language of the article, for texts written in a foreign language) and in English;

>The title in Portuguese must be written without bold, centered, and in capital letters. The title in English and/or in the original language of the text must be below the title in Portuguese, in italics, centered, and in capital letters.

>Abstract and keywords in Portuguese and English (and in the original language of the article). Each abstract must contain a maximum of 250 words, and abbreviations must be avoided. The abstract in a foreign language must be a faithful version of the abstract in Portuguese, as well as the keywords in a foreign language. At the end of each abstract, there must be 03 to 06 descriptors or keywords for indexing, separated by a period.

>Text (containing introduction, development, and conclusion, even if the topics receive different designations). The structure of the text must adapt to the requirements of scientific work, containing introduction, development, conclusion, and references.

> References, aligned left.

> Attachments (optional)
> Formatting:

- between the lines 1,5;
- between paragraphs 0 pts;
- between title and text – one line (one enter);
- between the lines of footnotes 1,0;
- between the lines long quote 1,0;
- between the lines of the same reference 1,0;
- between one reference and another 6 pts;
- between text and long quote 6 pts;
- Start the paragraph with 1.0 cm in Word ruler;
- Long quote (more than 3 lines) must be placed with 4.0 cm of indentation to the left margin (3.0 cm more than the paragraph margin).

- Times New Roman
- Abstract 10
- Text 12
- Long quote 10
- Footnote 10

- Title of article 14 Lower case - no bold
- Titles of article parts - 12 Bold lower case
- Subheading 12 Lower case italics
- Sub-subheading 12 Normal lower case

- Size 12 font (emphasis on titles of works in bold))

- left: 3,0 cm
- right: 2,0 cm
- superior: 3,0 cm
- inferior: 2,0 cm

Other important information about the structure of the text:
1. Introduction: must contain the justification and objectives of the work, highlighting the relevance of the investigated topic.
2. Development: the discussion and/or analysis of the hypotheses presented, with adequate bibliographic support.
3. Conclusion: it must contain in a concise form the answer to the proposed objectives. Repetition of arguments or aspects already described in other sections should be avoided.
4. References: list of works and research sources cited in the article according to ABNT - NBR 6023/2002.
5. Articles and other forms of production must be unpublished, have 15 to 20 pages, and be written in Portuguese, English, Spanish, French or Italian.
6. References for direct or /and indirect quotes must be made in the text itself. Ex.: According to Perlingieri (2007, p. 50) or after the quote. Ex.: (PERLINGIERI, 2007, p. 50).

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