Artificial Intelligence, Human Rights and Disability




The use and proliferation of AI systems in our daily lives is an unavoidable reality. The debate is no longer about whether we should welcome this type of technology in our lives, but under what conditions and safeguards. Preliminary reports on the risks of using the AI system reveal discrimination in detriment of social groups in situations of vulnerability, and persons with disabilities are no exception to this phenomenon, very often through multiple discriminations. Persons with disabilities, as a group in a situation of social vulnerability, face a greater risk of violation of their fundamental rights and freedoms, which justifies adopting specific approaches based on the principle of equality and non-discrimination. From a specific approach towards human rights of persons with disabilities, AI systems represent prima facie, both risks and benefits for their enjoyment and exercise. Among the risks, the key areas of infringement are those related to equality and privacy. Among the benefits, the key areas of impact are communication, personal assistance and supports.


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Author Biography

Francisco Jose Bariffi, Universidad Nacional de Mar Del Plata

Profesor e investigador – Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata PhD y LLM – Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Subdirector del Centro de Investigación y Docencia en Derechos Humanos – UNMdP Coordinador Académico de la RED-CDPD (





