


Functionalization, Social function, Contractual freedom, Constitutional legality


The functional perspective of legal institutes provoked a revision of the traditional, static and timeless dogmatic, limited to the structure of legal categories. The structure of business models is defined by the interests that are intended to be protected, with a view to the purposes to be achieved. In this perspective, the content and role of the social function of the contract in the Brazilian legal system are justified within the scope of the process of functionalization of legal facts, thus establishing the qualification of contractual models based on the practical-social function intended in a specific business activity. The qualification of contractual types based on their function expands the social control of economic activity. In this way, private autonomy and contractual freedom receive special protection from the legal system, imposing on the contracting parties, in addition to the pursuit of their legitimate patrimonial interests, the duty to protect socially relevant extra-contractual interests achieved by the legal transaction. Such should be the interpretive north of the so-called Law of Economic Freedom. After all, the functionalization of negotiating autonomy is shaped by constitutional legality and the social function, for this reason, reconfigures contractual freedom, subordinating the freedom of contractors to the principles of substantial equality and social solidarity.


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Author Biography

Gustavo José Mendes Tepedino, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil

Doutor em Direito Civil pela Universidade de Camerino (Itália) e Livre-Docente pela Faculdade de Direito da UERJ. Professor Titular de Direito Civil e ex-Diretor da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ. Professor Visitante das Universidades de Molise (Itália);
São Francisco (Califórnia - EUA) e Poitiers (França). Pesquisador Visitante do Instituto Max-Planck de Direito Privado Comparado e Internacional (Hamburgo - Alemanha). Pesquisador Visitante da Universidade de Stanford (Califórnia - EUA). Membro Titular da Academia Internacional de
Direito Comparado (Paris, França); da Academia Brasileira de Letras Jurídicas (ABLJ); do Comitato Scientifico da Escola de Pós-Graduação da Universidade de Camerino (Itália); da Association Henri Capitant des Amis de la Culture Juridique Française; da Société de Legislation Comparée
(Paris, França); da Association Andrés Bello des Juristes Franco-Latino-Américains; e do Instituto dos Advogados Brasileiros - IAB. Presidente do Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Civil - IBDCivil. Advogado, consultor e parecerista em Direito Privado. 




