

  • DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals);
  • LATINDEX (Indexing System of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain, and Portugal);
  • REDALYC (Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain, and Portugal);
  • REDIB (Ibero-American Network of Innovation and Scientific Knowledge);
  • SPELL (Scientific Periodicals Electronic Library).


  • EBSCO (Information and Communication Technology Database);
  • OasisBR - IBICT (Brazilian Scientific Production Database);
  • RVBI (Virtual Library Network of the National Congress);
  • BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine);
  • GOOGLE SCHOLAR (Research Platform).


  • DIADORIM (Directory of Editorial Policies of Brazilian Scientific Journals);
  • IBICT (Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology);
  • SUMÁRIOS.ORG (Summaries of Brazilian Journals);
  • LiVre (Directory dedicated to listing open access journals);
  • ULRICH'S Periodical Directory (Directory that lists periodicals from various fields of knowledge).


  • DOI (Digital Object Identifier) – Unique identifier for digital documents;
  • LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) – Digital preservation technology;
  • QUALIS CAPES – Predominantly Brazilian system for evaluating scientific journals, part of CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel).