A study of network analysis in social business
social business, networks, connectionsAbstract
This work aims to analyze how social business connections occur in light of the concepts of social networks and advance the perspective of partnerships in networks from the point of view of mapping social actors and evaluating the connections between them. This research has a descriptive qualitative nature, using a case study. Data collection was conducted through interviews and documentary research with six social business managers, who form part of a network, using the content analysis technique on the data collected. Among the results, it was observed that the result of the process of trust and cooperation, resources and finances, and information flow are portrayed as contributions to the lasting connections existing in networks. These categories expand the capacity of a long-term collaborative environment, generating benefits for social and environmental demands and common well-being. It was thus contributed that the congruence addressed expands the potential between the perception of the network's value proposition and the opportunities socially served to the target audience.
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