The action of social identity on the discretionary behavior of employees: a Brazilian perspective
It has been little explored in Brazil studies on the theme of social identity in organizations and their effect on the extrarole behavior of employees. On the other hand, researches reveal the influence of economic outcomes and procedural justice as influencers of this type of behavior. A study conducted in the United States found the mediation of the variable social identity among these elements. From this study, it was carried out research in Brazilian companies using structural equation modeling technique (SEM), such results, unlike the American work, indicated that the effect of economic outcomes and procedural justice on the extrarole behavior is verified only through the mediation of social identity. About a managerial point of view, these results provide a significant contribution to reinforce the importance of the social identity as influencer on the extrarole behavior of employees. Keywords: Social identity at work. Extrarolebehavior.StructuralequationmodelingDownloads
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