A multidimensional assessment of social exclusion in rural áreas
This study aimed to assess the current quality of life indicators of farmers in selected rural communities in the municipality of Pentecost, compared to what happened in the city in 2010. In order to do this the search uses primary data collected randomly and with scientifically given sample. The methodological procedures focusing on the use of the Social Exclusion Index (HEI) which has three indicators and three subindicators. Indicators are education liabilities (percentage of the population 15 years illiterate); passive income (percentage of the population that lives in households with total income ranging from zero to a maximum of two minimum wages); environmental liabilities which consists of three sub-indicators of deprivation running water; sanitation deprivation and deprivation of systematic garbage collection. Indicators and sub-indicators were grouped by weight previously held. The results show that the deficiencies are widespread in all communities studied. Draws attention to the high illiteraterates that still lingers in many of them. As deserves particular concern the current levels of income and access to important environmental assets such as water, sanitation and garbage collection. The research concludes that there was no evolution of the indicators of social exclusion, condensed in the IES in 2014 (year of the survey) with those recorded in 2010. Keywords: Liabilities of education and income; Deprivation of environmental assets; Rural communities.Downloads
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