The feeling of rock: Tastemaking in Organized Attachment Relations between amateur musicians and rock music
Taste, Practices, Aesthetics, Relational OntologyAbstract
With this article, we dwelveinto debates regarding taste, which have been gaining ground in Organization Studies in diverse theoretical perspectives. Our objective was to understand the organizing of amateurs’ musical practices based on the contextual dimensions of attachment, tastemaking and the pleasure resulting from such process. Adopting a qualitative approach, we interviewedamateur musicians from Grande Vitória and analyzed the datacombining elements of content analysis and spiral analysis. The findings allowed us to highlight the formativity of Arts of Musicizing, a meshof practices emerged relationally from Arts of Listening and Arts
of Playing. Those practices are organized around what we call “Shiver Moments”, moments of pleasure experienced by musicians in their attachment and reflexive practices of tastemaking.
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