The Relationship between Environmental Concerns and Willingness to Pay a Premium Price in Purchasing Intention for Industrialized Organic Foods
purchase intention, industrialized organic products, premium price, environmental concernAbstract
This study seeks to identify the relationship between environmental concerns and willingness to pay more for the purchase intention of industrialized organic foods in Brazilian consumers. This investigation is based on a quantitative approach with descriptive purposes. Data were obtained from an online questionnaire with closed survey-type questions, with a sample of 210 respondents. The results showed that the willingness to pay a premium price and the environmental concern impact directly and positively on the purchase intention of industrialized organic foods. Furthermore, environmental concern has a positive and direct impact on the willingness to pay a premium price. It can be concluded that price is an important criterion when choosing products; however, consumers associate organic foods, even industrialized ones, with health and lower environmental impacts. Therefore, the high price is not an impediment to buying these products.
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