Children’s datafication: a study on digitization, Consent Forms and the behavior of children, parents and guardians
Datafication, children, survey, Consent Terms, pandemicAbstract
Digital technologies reach almost every aspect of people's lives, their homes, jobs and education, whether adults, elderly or children. However, knowledge about this digitalization of children's lives and how much fathers, mothers and other tutors are able to control this phenomenon and the reach of organizations on this group is still unknown. Thus, the objective of the present study was to survey and analyze the consumption of digital devices, platforms and applications by children, in the perception of parents and guardians, and their behavior in relation to the Consent Terms. To do so, we carried out a survey with 516 participants, and performed a factor analysis and parametric analysis among groups of respondents. Among the results, we observed that parents and guardians rarely read the Consent Terms that mediate the relationships between children and platform organizations, but they perceive the consumption of devices and digital media by children over five years of age as exacerbated, and amplified during the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, the influence of digital media on children's consumption and behavior may be greater if the child has an exclusive device for their entertainment.
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