The paradox of short and long term objectives: an analysis based on the strategic leadership in retail companies in Brazil
strategic leadership, short-term and long-term paradoxes, decision makingAbstract
The research aims to analyze how the short-long term paradox manifests itself and influences the decision making process of Brazilian retail executives. This paper aims to deepen the understanding of the potential difficulty that retail executives may present in balancing the demands for short and long term results. The method used was qualitative, exploratory-descriptive in nature. Empirical data was collected through 12 semi-structured interviews with executives from Brazilian food retail companies. The data treatment was through Content Analysis, being identified key categories and subcategories. The main results show that some themes are perceived as interconnected processes in a dynamic and complementary way. The perception of the importance of stakeholder-focused management, in which all stakeholders are included in the process of analyzing possibilities, making decisions, and developing long-term plans, was evident as having great potential for influencing the management of the short- and long-term paradox. This study contributes insights into the aspects of the organization and elements that influence for a better balance of the management of the short long term paradox.
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