Men’s knowledge about prostate câncer

Knowledge about prostate câncer




Prostate, Prostatic Neoplasms, Knowledge, Prejudice


Objective: To evaluate the knowledge of men over 40 years old about prostate cancer. Methods: Descriptive, exploratory and quantitative study, carried out with 100 men living in a municipality in the North of Mato Grosso. Men over 40 years of age and who did not have training in the health field were included. Data collection took place between January and July 2023 and was carried out in nine Basic Health Units with the application of a questionnaire with sociodemographic questions and about prostate cancer. Data were tabulated using Microsoft Excel with relative and absolute frequency analysis. Results: the age of 40-50 years prevailed 45% (n=45), with complete primary education 50% (n=50), married 60% (n=60) and with 1 to 2 children 53% (n=53). Regarding prostate cancer, no participant had the disease and some reported a family history, 30% (n=30). In terms of knowledge, the majority know what prostate cancer is 85% (n=85), know that it is fatal 80% (n=80), know that it has early detection
and prevention 82% (n=82) and recognize signs and symptoms 70% (n=70). However, most of them never had prostate specific antigen tested, 79% (n=79) and none had a rectal exam. The main difficulties in preventing prostate cancer are transportation, time and fear. Conclusion: although men have knowledge about prostate cancer, there is still stigma regarding preventive measures and performing rectal exams. A deconstruction of prejudice is suggested to improve adherence to prevention and early detection.


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Author Biographies

Fabiana Rezer, Faculdade do Norte do Mato Grosso, Guarantã do Norte, Mato Grosso, Brasil

Graduação em Enfermagem pela Faculdade de Ciências Contábeis e Administração do vale do Juruena (2016), Especialização em Nefrologia pela Universidade Braz Cubas (2019), Especialização em Tutoria em Educação a Distância (2019), Especialização em Tecnologias em Educação a Distância na Faculdade do Noroeste de Mato Grosso (2021) e Mestrado Profissional em Enfermagem com Ênfase no Processo do Cuidar no Centro Universitário São Camilo (2019). Estou cursando especialização em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. Possuo experiência profissional como Enfermeira em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva e Nefrologia. 

Wladimir Rodrigues Faustino, Faculdade do Norte do Mato Grosso, Guarantã do Norte, Mato Grosso, Brasil

Graduação em Enfermagem pela Universidade Bandeirante de São Paulo 1997, Especialista em UTI -Adulto, Neonatologia e Pediatria pelo Cento Universitário São Camilo- CUSC-SP 1999, Mestre em Enfermagem Profissional pelo CUSC-SP 2014, Especialista em Nefrologia pela Universidade Braz Cubas-SP; Especialista em Controle de Infecção Hospitalar; Habilitado em passagem de Cateter de Inserção Periférica Central (PICC) com Ultrassonografia (USG) - Adulto e Neonatal, Suporte Básico de Vida (BLS). 



How to Cite

Rezer, F., & Faustino, W. R. (2024). Men’s knowledge about prostate câncer: Knowledge about prostate câncer. Brazilian Journal in Health Promotion, 37, 1–10.



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