Submission of Works and Publishing Flow

Submission of Papers and Editorial Process

The submission of articles to the Journal of Administrative Sciences is free and can be done at any time through our Electronic Publishing System (SEER/OJS), which is customized by the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT). To submit a paper, authors must register and submit their manuscripts through the Electronic Journals Portal of the University of Fortaleza, accessible at In case of technical difficulties or questions about system usage, authors can request support by sending an email to

During the submission process, it is essential for the author to declare any conflicts of interest related to the presented research. Additionally, if the research is subject to approval by an ethics committee, the author must provide the approval protocol number and attach the document with the corresponding ethical review.

It is strongly recommended that manuscripts be reviewed by a professional before submission to ensure proper use of the language in which the text is written. This will contribute to the clarity and quality of the published article.

The editorial process in an academic journal like the Journal of Administrative Sciences involves several critical steps that ensure the quality and integrity of the published works. This process may vary slightly from one publication to another, but generally includes the following steps:

Submission: Authors submit their manuscripts through an online platform, such as SEER/OJS. At the time of submission, authors typically must include information about conflicts of interest and comply with other ethical requirements, such as ethics committee approval, if applicable.

Initial Screening: After submission, the journal editor or a member of the editorial team conducts an initial screening to verify if the manuscript complies with the journal's guidelines, if it is within the thematic scope of the journal, and if it has sufficient initial scientific quality to proceed.

Peer Review: If the manuscript passes the initial screening, it is sent for peer review, which may be double-blind, single-blind, or open, depending on the journal's policy. In this process, subject matter experts, independent of the authors and editorial board, evaluate the quality, originality, relevance, and clarity of the manuscript.

Editorial Decision: Based on the reviewers' evaluations, the editor makes a decision on the manuscript, which can be accept, accept with revisions (minor or major), or reject. In many cases, even manuscripts accepted with revisions need to undergo one or several rounds of revisions before being finally accepted.

Author Revision: Authors make the necessary revisions and resubmit the manuscript. This process may repeat until the manuscript meets all criteria required by the reviewers and the editor.

Final Editing and Preparation for Publication: After acceptance, the manuscript undergoes a text editing stage to correct grammar and style errors, formatting according to the journal's guidelines, and insertion of final graphic elements. Also, a final content check and compliance with ethical guidelines are conducted.

Publication: Finally, the article is published in the journal. Many journals today operate under the open access model, allowing published articles to be freely accessed by anyone with internet access.

Post-publication: After publication, the article may be promoted and distributed through various channels to reach a wider audience. Additionally, the journal monitors and may respond to post-publication comments and corrections if necessary.