Efficiency x Equity in Taxation on Capital in Brazil
This paper aims to examine the participation in the collection of the main taxes on capital at the federal level in the last decade, seeking to ascertain whether there was a tendency to encourage investment (efficiency) or a trend toward greater redistribution (equity). In order to achieve this goal, it performed an exploratory and documental study. To the topic of development, it was addressed to the traditional trade-off between efficiency and equity and the Theory of Capital Taxation. It was observed that, for the years 2004-2009, there was a tendency to redistribution, as for the years 2010 to 2013, this upward trend ceased to occur. Nevertheless, the share of taxes on capital in the last four years showed an increase compared to the first years of the analysis. However, when the percentage of ownership is analyzed taking into account the historical aspects (2004-2013), are found some particularities, justified mainly because of the federal government, even if you choose for efficiency or equity, may encounter scenarios which will have to adapt or adopt certain action, the end of the CPMF and the international crisis are examples of the study period. Keywords:Public Sector Economics. TheoryofCapitalTaxation.Efficiency.Equity.Downloads
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