Volunteer tourism and consumer well-being in transformative consumer research
The aim of the branch of studies known as Transformative Consumer Research is to contribute to consumer well-being through market practices. In line with this concern a considerable body of recent research has focused on volunteer tourism. This involves leisure and work activities aimed at helping communities in a fragile situation and has mobilized the efforts of academic studies and individuals engaged in issues related to the reduction of poverty and social inequality. The aim of this article is to analyze the phenomenon of volunteer tourism through the lens of the transformative approach, highlighting the way it can contribute to the development of research into the theme and how the volunteer tourism phenomenon can provide theorization opportunities for transformative research. The study identified and articulated three opportunities for the construction of theories, at the methodological and multicultural levels and in transformative services. Suggestions for future paths of research in the Brazilian context are presented in the final considerations. Keywords: Volunteer Tourism.Transformative Research. Consumption.Downloads
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