Modifying the game rules in order to promote the wine industry?
Making use of institutional entrepreneurship concepts and organizational fields, this study and to discuss the possible use of agency power inherent in the concept institutional entrepreneurship within the national wine scene and seeks to situate the current structural configuration of the sector in any of the six theoretical perspectives on field organizational proposed by Machado da Silva; Guarido and Rossoni (2006). It was found that the main issue that streamlines the field of Brazilian wine are the taxes on wine, which arrive at the rate of 67%. This fact weakens the competitiveness of the national wine industry. As an alternative to alter the current situation, it was found that representatives of Brazilian winemakers in the sectoral House Viticulture, Wine and Derivatives can make use of epistemological mechanisms inherent in the institutional entrepreneurship concept, such as private persuasion and networkings, to modify the current rules of the game governing the national wine industry. Keywords: Brazilian Wine Industry. Taxs on wine.Institutionalentrepreunership.Downloads
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