Organizations in the Anthropocene: A dialogue between organizing practices and multispecies ethnography
anthropocene, Ethnography, multispecies ethnography, organizing practices, non-humansAbstract
This theoretical paper aims to help us think about organizations in the Anthropocene from organizing practices. We propose an ontological and epistemological shift, which means looking at the Anthropocene critically and politically to evade the dualism between humanity and nature. Therefore, to reduce the theoretical gap present in Theodore Schatzki's organizing practices, we bring non-human animals to the discussion. Furthermore, we propose that multispecies ethnography be an effective methodology to mediate the theoretical and methodological gap in the social relations of human and non-human actors, including in organizing processes and everyday life. This dialogue between the Anthropocene and organizations allows us to think that organizations “happen” beyond humans; since other organisms are also organizing and have a place in organizational processes. We consider that humanity is not part of nature, but is nature itself, as well as organizations. Thus, human-centered organizing practices present a limited understanding of our social reality.
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