Self-medication in chronic kidney disease patients on hemodialysis
Renal Dialysis, Pharmacoepidemiology, Nonprescription Drugs, Drug Utilization, Outpatients, Renal Insufficiency, ChronicAbstract
Objective: To analyze self-medication in chronic kidney disease patients on hemodialysis. Methods: A quantitative descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted at a hemodialysis center in Southwestern Bahia in March 2015 using a form to collect sociodemographic, clinical and drug therapy data from 170 patients in March 2015. The sample comprised patients undergoing chronic hemodialysis treatment for over one year aged 18 years or older. Epidata 3.1 was used as a database. Descriptive analysis was performed and binary logistic regression was used to check for associations between self-medication and independent variables using the SPSS software version 21.0. Results: In all, 64.1% (109) of the participants were men and the mean age was 50.5 years (±14.9). 57% (98) of the participants earned less than one minimum wage, 20% (34) had never studied, 48.2% (82) had been on dialysis for one to five years, and 92.9% (158) had no health insurance. We confirmed self-medication of 104 drugs, particularly calcitriol (9.6%) and clonidine (6.7%). Patients with higher levels of education (OR=1.32; 95%CI=1.32-28.72) and those who use leftover drugs at home (OR=22.48; 95%CI=6.53-77.38) were more likely to self-medicate. Conclusion: The rate of self-medication in chronic kidney disease patients is low and it is associated with the use of drugs stored at home and low levels of education.Downloads
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