Factors associated with tobacco smoking in post-bariatric surgery patients
Bariatric Surgery, Tobacco, Risk Factors.Abstract
Objective: To estimate the prevalence of tobacco smoking, nicotine dependence and associated factors in individuals submitted to bariatric surgery. Methods: A cross-sectional study with 303 bariatric patients, performed between 2015 and 2016, in Catalão, Goiás State, Brazil. A questionnaire with sociodemographic variables, health conditions and family history was used. Being currently smoker and having high nicotinic dependence, with agglutination of the high and very high levels of dependence, were taken as predictor variables for the present study, variables collected from the Fargeström instrument score. The chi-square test was adopted with a significance level of p<0.05. Results: Tobacco consumption was found in 50 patients (16.5%; CI95% 12.5-20.8) within the past 30 days. The factors associated with tobacco smoking dependence were sex (p<0.003), anxiety diagnosis (p<0.008), family history of suicide (p<0.013), sleeping difficulties (p<0.007) and excessive alcohol use (p<0.045), with a negative correlation with religious practice (p>0.038). Conclusion: The significant prevalence of tobacco smoking found in this study was associated with factors such as sex, psychic comorbidities (depression/anxiety), family history of suicide, sleeping difficulty, and, negatively, with religious practice.Downloads
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