Postural education in children: comic strip versus puppet theatre
Health Education, Posture, Primary Prevention.Abstract
Objective: To compare the effectiveness of comic strips and puppet theatre in postural education in school-age children. Methods: Field study of longitudinal and quantitative approach, carried out in a private school located in the city of Caucaia, Ceará, Brazil, in the period from February to November 2012. The students were equally divided, at random, into two groups: Group A, in which the children received information with use of comic strips; and Group B, in which the children received information through a puppet theatre presentation. The evaluation occurred at two moments: prior to and two months after the educational interventions. The studied variables were the body posture assessment and the knowledge of correct postural habits. Results: The study comprised 52 children of both genders. It was observed that children of both group A and group B learned about the correct postural habits. In Group A, only 23% (n=6) had some difficulty in understanding the images and 58% (n=15) said they improved their way of walking and sitting. In group B, 12% (n=3) reported some difficulty in understanding the language and 50% (n=13) stated they improved their way of walking and sitting. Conclusion: The findings of this study revealed that the two forms of strategies were effective for teaching and retaining concepts on correct postural habits. doi: 10.5020/18061230.2014.p319Downloads
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