Nursing technicians’ knowledge of the Kangaroo-Mother Care method in the neonatal unit
Kangaroo-Mother Care Method, Infant, Newborn, Neonatal nursing.Abstract
Objective: To identify the nursing technicians’ knowledge about the Kangaroo-Mother Care Method (KMC) implementation and analize its importance for assistance in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Methods: Descriptive research with qualitative approach, held with 20 nursing technicians in a neonatal unit. Data was collected in the period from March to April 2012 by carrying out semi-structured interviews and analized through the central-idea method. Results: It was evidenced that the nursing technicians have knowledge about the kangaroo method; however, they report difficulties in identifying its steps in their everyday neonatal practice; they believe it is important in health care, as it helps in the newborn’s recovery, growth and development; in addition to promoting the parents’ participation, providing humanized care. Conclusion: The investigated nursing technicians know the KMC and its importance in neonatal assistance, although they point out difficulties regarding the identification of its steps and applicability in their daily practice. doi:10.5020/18061230.2014.p124Downloads
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