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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

  1. Submit in a single file the complete text (Article Text) in Microsoft Word or OpenOffice format, which should not include author identification.
  2. Submit an author identification sheet in supplementary documents (Other).
  3. The author identification sheet must contain: Article title in the original language; Author information: Name; Main degree; Affiliation (Name and abbreviation of the University, City, State, Country); Email; Orcid (link); Lattes curriculum (link); Biographical summary (maximum 50 words). Illustrations (tables, charts, and figures) should be inserted in the text body, near the place they are mentioned in the article body and, additionally, added in supplementary documents (Other) in image format (.PNG, .JPEG, or .JPG) with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi (dots per inch).
  4. Authors must register in the system.
  5. Check if all fields are filled in correctly and provide affiliation institutions (up to two per author; in the case of a student, provide the course and institution they are affiliated with), complete institution address with postal code, and direct contact phone number. All authors must present their ORCID number at submission.
  6. If there is more than one author, order according to each one's contribution to the work.
  7. It is important to note that the RCA does not accept authorship changes and inclusions after the article is approved.
  8. Before concluding the submission, authors should review the authorship position in the system.
  9. In the case of research results with funding, mention the funding agency and process number only in the system, with an acknowledgment note attached in supplementary documents.
  10. If the article is approved for publication, this information will be included by the editorial team after the reference list.
  11. Works containing similar or identical excerpts to other works published definitively, even if authored by the same author, will not be accepted.
  12. Source identification is mandatory. Literal quotes from texts must be made in double quotes.

Manuscript Preparation

Formatting Guidelines Submissions can be written in Portuguese, English, or Spanish; Following APA - American Psychological Association recommendations for citations, references, and illustrations is mandatory; Contain a minimum of 6,000 words and a maximum of 8,000 words, on A4 size paper, with 1.5 spacing. Each figure or table equals 200 words (e.g., if the manuscript has 3 figures or tables, count 600 words added to the manuscript); Margins should be: top and left 3 cm, bottom and right 2 cm; Font: Times New Roman, size 12; Paragraphs: first line indentation of 1 cm. All URLs (internet links) cited in the text (e.g., should be active and lead directly to the cited document. References should include the DOI, following APA guidelines, with active links leading directly to the cited document. To obtain them, submit the set of references, according to APA, on the Crossref website.

Manuscript Elements

Manuscript elements should be presented in the following order:

Title – The title should contain a maximum of 12 words, with the first letter in uppercase (e.g., The Title of the Manuscript). Title must be presented in Portuguese, English, and Spanish.

Abstract – Must be presented in Portuguese, English, and Spanish (Resumo, Abstract, Resumen). No indentation in the first line. It should be written in a single paragraph containing 200 to 250 words, with 1.5 spacing. Non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided, but if essential, defined within the abstract itself.

After presenting the title in the three languages, present the abstract in the original language of the article, followed by the other two languages. The abstracts in other languages should be faithful to the original language abstract but not a literal translation. The translation should preserve the abstract's content while adapting to the grammatical style of the language. The journal has a standard procedure to review the final abstracts, reserving the right to correct them if necessary. This is a very important part of your work, as it will be available in all the journal's indexes if published. The abstracts in other languages should be followed by the respective translated keywords.

Keywords - Correspond to the words identifying the article's content. Present a minimum of three and a maximum of five words, in lowercase, separated by commas (APA). They should be presented immediately following the abstract in the respective languages Portuguese, English, and Spanish (Palavras-chave, Keywords, Palabras clave).

Note: If the complete text is written in English, consider the order of presentation of title, abstract, and keywords: English, Portuguese, and Spanish. If the complete text is written in Spanish, consider the order of presentation of title, abstract, and keywords: Spanish, Portuguese, and English.

Sections and subsections of the text: primary section titles should be centered, in bold with the main words capitalized. Secondary subsection titles should be left-aligned, in bold with the main words capitalized. Tertiary subsection titles should have paragraph indentation, in bold, with only the first word capitalized and ending with a period.

References - Should follow APA (international) standards. References must include the DOI, as per APA guidelines, with active links leading directly to the cited document. To obtain them, submit the set of references, according to APA, on the Crossref website.

Figures, Tables, and Captions – Figures and tables should be inserted in the text body. For illustrations, use Times New Roman font, size 10, including the title and source.

The word Table is aligned to the left on the first line of the header and followed by the corresponding number. Type the table title to the left, immediately below, in italics and without a period. Only the first letter of the title and proper names should be capitalized.

The word Figure is aligned to the left on the first line of the header and followed by the corresponding number. Type the figure title to the left, immediately below, in italics and without a period. Only the first letter of the title and proper names should be capitalized.

Footnotes: Only author identification information should be placed in footnotes on the first page. Other footnotes and endnotes are not accepted.

Structure for empirical theoretical articles:

Introduction - Include in running text: the problem statement, the research question, the general objective, the specific objectives (numbered), the relevance (which may be theoretical, methodological, empirical, contextual/managerial/practical, or social). It is not recommended to present a paragraph about the work's structure; Theoretical framework - Include the main theories, models, and research on the topic, discussing the state of the art. Hypotheses supported by the literature are also presented here; Research method (Methodological procedures) - We suggest presenting and justifying the epistemology, the type of research, the research process (phases and stages), the population/sample, the profile of the respondents (research elements), the research period, the data collection process, the variable or category plan, and the analysis techniques (qualitative and/or quantitative); Results - Present the results and whether the hypotheses or assumptions were validated; Discussion - Align the findings with the literature, highlighting theoretical and empirical contributions. Also, explain the study's limitations; Conclusion or Final Considerations - Besides the conclusion itself, it should present detailed suggestions for future research.

Structure for technological articles:

Introduction: contextualization of the problem situation or innovation or intervention opportunity. Describe how the problem situation or opportunity is addressed and the research gap. Argue the relationship between theory and practice. Indicate the objective of the technological article; Investigated context: broad description of the organizational and sectoral context investigated; Diagnosis of the problem situation and/or opportunity: detailed description of the problem situation or innovation or intervention opportunity and articulation between theory and practice; Analysis and innovation/intervention proposal: present the analysis and description of intervention or innovation alternatives. Discuss in light of the theoretical basis adopted for the proposed solution of the problem or intervention opportunity; Conclusions and Technological/Social Contribution: present conclusions and contributions to organizations and society, as well as future development perspectives.

Structure for teaching cases:

Presentation section of the dilemma and decision to be made; Contextualizing section(s) presenting relevant information. Contextualize the theoretical sources that explain or support the case; Argumentation section of decision-making alternatives; Section revisiting the problem and the decision to be made, which may include questions for debate; Appendices (if any); Teaching notes.

Similarity Detection (Plagiarism)

All articles submitted to the journal Revista Ciências Administrativas undergo plagiarism verification during the peer review stage using the Turnitin tool. If excerpts with similarity are identified (except for direct citation) and the reproduction is total and/or without citation, the authors will be contacted to provide clarifications. In the absence of clarifications from the authors, the editors will file the submission. During the peer review process, reviewers may also find evidence of plagiarism. If this happens, the reviewers will inform the editors (presenting the relevant evidence), and the editors will investigate the plagiarism suspicion using the COPE flowchart: access here. If the plagiarism suspicion is confirmed, the editors will file the submission.

APA Submission Standard

For articles submitted following the APA - American Psychological Association (APA), 7th edition. Below are some of the main examples of citations and references using APA 7th edition standards.

The document was prepared based on information and examples from the following sources:

APA Website:;

Manual of the University of Brasília:ção-Apa_7-ed.pdf

Book (printed version)

Author's last name, A. A., Author's last name, B. B., & Author's last name, C. C. (Year). Title of the book (edition). Publisher. Example: Author, M. M., & Author, P. P. (2020). The fundamentals of quantitative research (3rd ed.). Elsevier.

Book (electronic version)

Author's last name, A. A., Author's last name, B. B., & Author's last name, C. C. (Year). Title of the book (edition). Publisher. URL Example: Author, M. M., & Author, P. P. (2020). The fundamentals of quantitative research (3rd ed.). Elsevier.

Article or Chapter in a Printed Book

Author's last name, A. A. (Year). Title of the article or chapter. In A. A. Editor (Ed.), Title of the book (pages). Publisher. Example: Author, M. M. (2020). Theoretical perspectives in management. In R. Editor (Ed.), Management theories (pp. 100-120). Elsevier.

Article or Chapter in an Electronic Book

Author's last name, A. A. (Year). Title of the article or chapter. In A. A. Editor (Ed.), Title of the book (pages). Publisher. URL Example: Author, M. M. (2020). Theoretical perspectives in management. In R. Editor (Ed.), Management theories (pp. 100-120). Elsevier.

Printed Journal Article

Author's last name, A. A., & Author's last name, B. B. (Year). Title of the article. Title of the journal, volume(issue), pages. Example: Author, M. M., & Author, P. P. (2020). Recent trends in organizational behavior. Management Journal, 35(2), 100-120.

Electronic Journal Article

Author's last name, A. A., & Author's last name, B. B. (Year). Title of the article. Title of the journal, volume(issue), pages. URL Example: Author, M. M., & Author, P. P. (2020). Recent trends in organizational behavior. Management Journal, 35(2), 100-120.

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