Oral health coordinators: perception on management and skills in the single health system
Health Management, Public Health, Oral Health, Unified Health System.Abstract
Objective: To analyze the perceptions of oral health coordinators about management and competencies in the Unified Health System. Methods: Qualitative study conducted in six Regional Executive Offices of Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. Data collection took place in March 2019, through semi-structured interviews with six dental surgeons who are in charge of the oral health coordinations of the referred organs. The interviews were analyzed through content analysis, emerging the following categories: competencies of an oral health coordinator; training course for the position of the manager; the contribution of academic formation to the position of the manager; challenges in the work process; satisfaction to be in the position of manager. Results: The main activities developed by oral health coordinators are: human resources coordination; management of dental materials, supplies and equipment; consolidation of procedures; planning of care goals and promotion and prevention in oral health; production and monitoring of indicators; and preparation of technical reports. According to the participants, the position of manager requires training in public health management, involvement, and commitment in the execution of processes, and is essential for oral health management. Conclusion: Oral health coordinators consider public health management important, despite obstacles in daily work, such as insufficient inputs and underfunding of the sector, and the need for qualification to assume the position of oral health manager to enhance attention to health promotion, promoting actions for the promotion, prevention, and recovery of the user's health.Downloads
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