Violence in the university environment
Violence, Education, Higher, University.Abstract
Objective: To evaluate the student’s opinion about violence in the university environment and potential associated factors. Methods: This analytical cross-sectional study was carried out at a private higher education institution in the municipality of Fortaleza, Ceará, between April and November 2017. Participants were 512 students enrolled in schools of the Health Sciences Center. The Assessment Tool for Health Promotion at the University (Instrumento de Avaliação da Promoção da Saúde na Universidade – IAPSU) was used to collect sociodemographic, academic and violence data. Associations were tested by the chi-squared test in SPSS version 20.0. Results: Students enrolled in health schools were aged ≤ 24 years (n=393; 76.8%), women (n=357; 69.7%), White (n=261; 51.0%) and Catholic (n=332; 64.8%). A total of 68.4% (n=350) of the students participated in activities promoted by the university and 56.4% (n=289) participated in extracurricular activities. Violence in the university environment was reported by 30.9% (n=158) of the participants, particularly psychological violence (n=132; 84.1%) and violence perpetrated by the students themselves (n=115; 72.8%). In the multivariate analysis, violence in the university was significantly associated with the last year (OR=2,315; p=0.004) and relationship between university students (OR=0.476; p=0.048). Conclusion: Psychological violence is present in the university environment and is perpetrated by the students themselves. It is associated with the last year of undergraduate health school and relationship between students.Downloads
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