Health promotion competencies: partnership in multiprofessional health residency
Competency-Based Education, Health Promotion, Intersectoral Collaboration.Abstract
Objective: To know how the partnership domain is manifested in the health promotion actions carried out in the Multiprofessional Family Health Residency. Methods: A qualitative exploratory research was carried out based on the Core Competencies for Health Promotion Handbook of the project titled “Developing Competencies and Professional Standards for Health Promotion Capacity Building in Europe (CompHP)”. The study was carried out from January to March 2016 in a multiprofessional health residency program in the state of Ceará, Brazil, and focused on its community component. Participants were 16 residents and data were collected through semi-structured interviews using the following guiding questions: What competencies are needed to develop health promotion actions? How is partnership manifested in the health promotion actions carried out at the multiprofessional health residency?. The data were organized and analyzed using content analysis. Results: The accounts demonstrate strong partnerships in the residency to build networks that contribute to the implementation of the principles of health promotion. The intersectoriality represents the desire for achievement as an effective manifestation of partnerships between sectors and related services to achieve joint objectives. The actions that promote the teaching-service-community integration enable the creation of spaces for dialog between universities/training institutions, health institutions and community. In this context, the preceptors of the multiprofessional residency are fundamental for the development of partnerships and for the strengthening of actions. Conclusion: The multiprofessional residency is a space conducive to the development of the partnership as a competence for the performance of health-promoting actions.Downloads
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