Chronic Kidney Disease: exploring new strategies of communication for health promotion
Renal Insufficiency, Chronic, Renal Dialysis, Kidney Transplantation, Communications Media.Abstract
Objective: To describe the development of new communication strategies for health promotion in the context of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Methods: This is an applied research aimed at producing knowledge to solve specific problems through practical tools and analysis of hypotheses. The tools were developed through a partnership between the Public Health Graduate Program and the Center of Applied Information Technology of the University of Fortaleza. The study titled “Renal Health” was divided into three consecutive phases: Phase 1 – Development of the Renal Health application; Phase 2 – Elaboration of digital content and platforms linked to the application; and Phase 3 – Tests of clinical impact and adherence to the application. Phase 1 was finished and phase 2 is currently ongoing. Results: The Renal Health application was developed to be used in Android mobile phones and features interfaces targeted at the general population, i.e., people who do not receive CKD treatment, CKD patients undergoing hemodialysis and kidney transplant patients. Phase 2 of the study is being carried out through meetings between researchers and health and technology teams to develop the content and design the graphical project of the digital platforms. Conclusion: Communication between health professionals and CKD patients is subjected to continuous improvement given the variability of treatment modalities and its peculiarities. The Renal Health application and digital platforms intend to support both professionals and patients in this process.Downloads
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