Epidemiology of neonatal mortality in Ceará in the period from 2005-2015
Infant Mortality, Health Profile, Perinatology, Primary Health Care.Abstract
Objective: To analyze the differences in infant mortality and its spatial distribution in the state of Ceará and to identify the epidemiological profile of neonatal deaths. Methods: An ecological study was carried out in the municipalities using spatial analysis and linear regression techniques to identify spatial clusters and mortality trends in the period from 2005 to 2015. Data were collected from DATASUS, the Mortality Information System, and the Live Births System using a cartographic base of the state of Ceará by municipality developed by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística – IBGE). Results: The infant mortality rate in the period analyzed was 14.7 per thousand live births and there was a significant reduction in the trend line with linear adjustment of 63% (R2=88; p<0.001), predominance of the early neonatal component (53.7%) and heterogeneous distribution of infant mortality among municipalities. Most of the children were male (56.3%), premature (60.7%), had low birth weight (64.1%), were born vaginally (57.6%), died after delivery (84.3%) and the main causes of death were conditions originating in the neonatal period and congenital malformations (96.2%). As for the mothers, the majority were 20 to 34 years old (51.6%) and had less than 12 years of study (62.8%). Conclusion: Clusters of spatial autocorrelation were identified for general and early neonatal mortality. Despite the significant reduction in mortality in the period, some municipalities presented rates above the state’s average.Downloads
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