Use of IRAMUTEQ software in the Brazilian healthcare research: a scoping review
Software, Qualitative Research, Health Postgraduate Programs.Abstract
Objective: To identify the use of Interface de R pour les Analyses Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionnaires (IRAMUTEQ), in qualitative research produced within postgraduate programs in the health area in Brazil. Methods: The methods included a scoping review held from dissertations and theses configured as qualitative research and produced within the framework of postgraduate programs in the health area, were analysed using IRAMUTEQ. Data were analysed by simple descriptive statistics. Results: The results imply a final sample consisted of 54 researches. There were certain inconsistencies in the use of IRAMUTEQ, such as the following: mention of IRAMUTEQ as a data analysis technique; use little or limited textual volume; and use the Descending Hierarchical Classification, even with the amount of text retention lower than the recommended one. These elements need to be adequately considered by the researcher, in order to produce reliable and informed data analysis. Conclusion: It can be stated that the number of researches that have used the IRAMUTEQ has increased over the years and therefore, this software has been incorporated in the qualitative researches of the health area produced in the ambit of Brazilian postgraduate programs.Downloads
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