Reflecting about the work process in the perioperative’s period from the patient's needs




Perioperative Care, Health Education, Integrality in Health, Communication, Interprofessional Relations.


Objective: Were to analyse the patients' needs at the perioperative moment and, from such needs, to understand the work process promoted by the health team during this period. Methods: In the first stage of the research, 26 semistructured interviews were conducted with patients submitted to elective surgeries between February and May 2016, in a hospital center (in Portuguese, called hospital of clinics) of a city in the interior of the state of São Paulo, and analysed regarding the discourse of the collective subject. In the second stage, the speeches were used as discussion triggers in four focus groups with the health team, between September and November, 2016, analysed according to the hermeneutic-dialectic technique. Results: The patients reported having received superficial information about the care and presented little autonomy in this process, alluding to the family and spirituality as support to face the moment. The health team, on the other hand, mentioned ineffective communication as an aspect that hinders comprehensive and interdisciplinary care, pointing out the need for professionals to approach in order to articulate actions aimed at quality of care. Conclusion: It is observed the guarantee and consolidation of spaces of permanent education in the health services allows a patient-centered assistance and with a view to the collaborative practices.


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How to Cite

de Mazzi, N. R., & Tonhom, S. F. da R. (2018). Reflecting about the work process in the perioperative’s period from the patient’s needs. Brazilian Journal in Health Promotion, 31.