Practice of physical activity and sports in Brazil
Motor Activity, Exercise, Physical Exertion.Abstract
Objective: To characterize the individuals who practice sports and physical activity in Brazil by stratifying the results of the 2015 National Household Sample Survey. Methods: This is an ecological descriptive study off national secondary data from the 2015 National Household Sample Survey conducted with 71,142 people of 151,189 households from all the Units of the Federation. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed, and the data were organized in tables and graphs using the chi-squared test with p≤0.05. Results: The Federal District is the state with the highest rate of physical activity in the country (30.9%) and Mato Grosso is the state with the lowest rate (8.4%). As for sports, Alagoas is the state with the lowest rate of sports practice (17%) and Amazonas the state with the highest rate (30.7%). There was also a positive relationship between the practice of physical activity and sports and per capita income per household, thus showing that the higher the income, the higher the rate of practice of these activities. With regard to marital status, self-reported single individuals were the ones who practiced both modalities the most (sports 27% and physical activity 18%), with significant differences. Conclusion: The individuals who practiced sports and physical activity in Brazil in the year 2015 were mostly men, single, presented higher levels of education and income, and sought these activities in order to improve their quality of life and well-being.Downloads
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