Parents’ and adolescents’ knowledge, attitudes and practices related to immunization in adolescence: systematic review
Adolescent, Vaccination, Immunization, Health Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice, Communicable Disease Control.Abstract
Objective: To describe the factors associated with parents’ and adolescents’ knowledge, attitudes and practices related to immunization in adolescence. Methods: Systematic review of the literature carried out from March 2017 to March 2018 through three search strategies in the CAPES Portal and VHL using the descriptors: adolescent, immunization, health knowledge, attitudes and practices, vaccination and communicable disease control. The eligibility criteria used were: Scientific articles published in English, Portuguese and Spanishfrom 2008 to 2018. After the searches, 23 articles were included in the final analysis. Results: The factors directly associated with immunization in adolescence were: sex, religion, race/ethnicity, age, place of residence, beliefs about vaccine efficacy and safety, fear of adverse effects, private health insurance and recommendation by health professionals. In Brazil, some factors differ from those found in other countries, such as higher rates of vaccination against HPV among girls and Hepatitis B among those with lower per capita income. This can be explained by the fact that Brazil has economic and social realities and a health system that differ from what is observed in other countries. Conclusion: Socio-demographic factors such as sex, race/ethnicity, religion and age were associated with knowledge, attitudes and practices related to immunization in adolescence. Socioeconomic and psychosocial factors, such as insecurity, fear, concerns about the cost of the vaccine, having received advice and guidance on vaccination by a health professional were also associated.Downloads
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