Evaluation of quality of life of non-surgical physicians and surgeons
Quality of Life, Physicians, Work-Life Balance, Occupational Health.Abstract
Objective: To evaluate the quality of life (QOL) of medical practitioners according to the chosen specialty (non-surgical or surgery). Methods: Cross-sectional analytical study performed in 2016 with physicians working in clinics and hospitals of Rio Verde, Goiás, Brazil. Two questionnaires were used: one on sociodemographic aspects and the second one, for quality of life evaluation, the World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF (WHOQOL-BREF). Out of 287 questionnaires that were delivered, 144 were answered. Comparative data regarding the domains received analysis with use of ANOVA, MANOVA, MANCOVA, Pearson's correlation and linear regression, considering p˂0.05. Results: The findings showed mean age of 37.7±10.09 years and a majority of men (63.1%; n=91). The physical domain was significantly better evaluated in the mean values of QOL by men (p=0.002), as well as the environmental domain (p=0.031). When comparing the mean values of the QOL and their domains according to the clinical and/or surgical practice of the physicians, there was no significant difference. When comparing physicians that work alternative shifts to those working regular day shifts, it was found that the domains of social relationships (p=0.049) and environment (p=0.001), and the global QOL (p=0.024) as well, regardless of the workload, were worsened among the shift workers. The longer the length of time since graduating from college, the greater the perception of the environmental domain (p=0.02). There was no significant difference as for the salary range. Conclusion: There was no difference in the global quality of life between the evaluated non-surgical physicians and surgeons. However, when compared by sex, men achieved a more satisfactory performance in terms of the physical and environmental domains. It was evidenced that the salary range does not influence the quality of life of these professionals.Downloads
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