Intention of getting pregnant and breastfeeding: an integrative review
Pregnancy, Maternal Behavior, Breastfeeding, Health Promotion.Abstract
Objective: To analyze the relationship between the intention of getting pregnant and breastfeeding. Methods: An integrative review of the literature was carried out by searching the PubMed and LILACS databases following the recommendations of the Preferred Reporting Itens for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) protocol. Two independent researchers used the combination of the descriptors Pregnancy (Unplanned OR Unwanted) AND Breastfeeding in June 2016 without restricting the publication period. After applying the pre-established criteria and the qualitative evaluation, six articles were included in the study. Results: There was an association between unplanned pregnancy and low breastfeeding rates, with unwanted pregnancies associated with worse outcomes compared with untimely pregnancies. Socioeconomic and cultural circumstances affected this relationship. Conclusion: Given the predisposition of women with unplanned pregnancies to unfavorable behaviors regarding the establishment and continuity of breastfeeding, it is necessary to strengthen prenatal care to promote and support breastfeeding as a strategy to promote maternal and child health, especially when pregnancy is unwanted.Downloads
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