Audiometric profile of professional musicians: systematic review
Music, Audiometry, Hearing Loss, Noise-Induced, Noise, Occupational.Abstract
Objective: To know professional musicians’ audiometric profile. Methods: A systematic review of the literature was carried out in the online databases of CAPES Journals and Virtual Health Library (VHL) using the descriptors “music”, “noise-induced hearing loss”, “tinnitus” and “audiometry”. In the PubMed database, we used the MESH headings: “music”, “audiometry” and “hearing loss”, using Boolean term “and”. We included observational studies in English, Spanish and Portuguese that assessed the occurrence and factors related to hearing loss in professional musicians dating from 2006 to 2016. The articles were peer-selcted. Results: The searching strategy resulted in 819 studies, of which only 13 met the eligibility criteria. Of all the musicians analyzed by the thirteen studies included in this review, 31,24% presented noise-induced hearing loss. Conclusion: The present review verified a consensus among the findings of the studies analyzed regarding the fact that musicians present noise-induced hearing loss, with tinnitus being the most frequent symptom, which indicates the existence of hearing alterations among these professionals.Downloads
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