Knowledge of diabetes mellitus among public school professionals
Diabetes Mellitus, Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice, Workers, School Health.Abstract
Objective: To describe the public school professionals’ knowledge of the disease, treatment and complications to the health of people with Diabetes Mellitus. Methods: Cross-sectional observational study, in which a structured questionnaire was applied to 50 employees of public schools in the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil, in the year 2014, comprising 30 open and closed questions that addressed information on the employee’s identification and their knowledge of the disease, complications and care in the management of the diabetic individual in cases of hypoglycemia. Measures of association were held between the professionals’ knowledge of Diabetes and the independent variables (age, gender, and profession), adopting p<0.05 as level of significance. Results: Teacher was the only professional position showing association with the knowledge of the disease. Of those surveyed, 62% (n=36) were able to define the disease, 86% (n=43) knew the forms of treatment, and only 28% (n=14) the normal values for blood glucose. Conclusion: The knowledge demonstrated by the assessed professionals covers the dimensions relating to the definition, complications and forms of treatment. Nevertheless, less knowledge of care and management of the disease was evidenced, especially when asked about risk situations such as hypoglycemia and normal blood glucose level.Downloads
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