Prevalence of urinary incontinence and associated factors in climacteric women of a primary health care unit
Urinary Incontinence, Prevalence, Climacteric.Abstract
Objective: To estimate the prevalence of urinary incontinence (UI) and investigate the associated factors. Methods: This is a quantitative, cross-sectional and analytical study with 233 women going through climacteric, in the age range of 40-65 years, seen in a Primary Health Care Unit (PHU) developed in the period from December 2014 to June 2015. Sociodemographic and clinical (obstetrical and gynecological) data, comorbidities and urinary profile were assessed. The software SPSS 19.0 and the chi-square test were employed to evaluate the association between the variables. The significance level of 5% was adopted. Results: Complaint about UI was present in 41.2% (n=96) of women. Higher prevalence was observed in the age group of 40-45 years with 36.5% (n=35) (p <0.05), brown-skinned with 21,9% (n=21) (p=0.002) and low level of education (up to complete Junior High) with 39.6% (n=38) (p=0.627). As for the self-reported comorbidities, 38.5% (n=37) of the incontinent women presented systemic arterial hypertension (p=0.96), 17.7% (n=17) had diabetes (p=0.982), and 28.1% (n=27), constipation (p=0.101). Regarding the clinical characteristics, 41.7% (n=35) had only vaginal delivery (p=0.087) and 53.1% (n=51) were going through menopause (p=0.113). The stress urinary incontinence (SUI) was found in 85.4% (n=82) of the women. Conclusion: A high prevalence of urinary incontinence in climacteric women was found, emphasizing higher frequency among the younger, brown-skinned women.Downloads
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