Grandmothers’ relative interference with their teenage daughter’s breastfeeding
Breast Feeding, Adolescent, Intergenerational Relations, Women’s HealthAbstract
Objective: To understand the influence of grandmothers on the effectiveness and duration of breastfeeding of their teenage daughters during the child’s first six months of life. Methods: Qualitative study conducted with 25 new grandmothers who lived with their pregnant teenage daughters or daughters-in-law before and after the birth of their grandchildren from March 2011 to January 2014. The interviews were guided by a semi-structured questionnaire; after transcription, data underwent thematic analysis, which yielded the category: “the breastfeeding process for grandmothers.” Results: Grandmothers were present during the breastfeeding of their grandchildren from the earliest moments to the introduction of complementary foods; successful personal experiences with breastfeeding were important for building support for the nursing teenage mother. Over time, they stepped back and allowed the teenagers to take responsibility as the primary caregivers of the babies. Conclusion: The influence of grandmothers on the breastfeeding of their grandchildren is a result of the shared belief that breastfeeding is important, healthy and a mother’s obligation.Downloads
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