Motherhood from the perspective of teenage mothers
Adolescent Health, Adolescent, Pregnancy in Adolescence.Abstract
Objective: To understand the repercussions of motherhood from the perspective of teenage mothers. Methods: Qualitative descriptive field study conducted in the municipality of Pato Branco, Paraná, Brazil in the period between November and December 2015. Participants were nine teenagers and data were collected through semi-structured interviews. Data were analyzed and interpreted based on the operative proposal from which three thematic categories emerged. Results: The category The discovery of pregnancy and the relationship with the family highlighted feelings such as the fear of revealing to parents and the fear of disappointing them because of pregnancy; the category A relationship of affection demonstrates that despite all the changes and difficulties faced by teenagers, the affective relationship with the child is translated into feelings of love, care and devotion; and the category expectations for the future demonstrates adjustments in social, family and school life of the participants. Conclusion: The study revealed that the initial changes with the discovery of pregnancy cause emotional imbalance in the teenager, and over time there is an adjustment, showing the importance of family support. In this sense, it can be noted that the family is the mainstay, the safe haven and the support in the lives of teenagers.Downloads
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