Quality of life from the perspective of institutionalized older people
Quality of Life, Aging, Institutionalization.Abstract
Objective: To analyze the concept of quality of life (QoL) from the perspective of institutionalized older people. Methods: A qualitative descriptive study conducted with eight older women in a long-term care (LTC) institution of Fortaleza, Ceará, from September to October 2014. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews in previously scheduled individual meetings and Content Analysis steps were followed to organize and analyze the data. The following categories emerged: older people’s perception of QoL; behaviors favoring quality of life; and older people’s understanding of healthy aging. Results: It was found that quality of life involves various objective and subjective factors, such as social life, culture, physical and psychological health, mood, and work, which have been provided by the Long Term Care Institution where the study took place. The absence of disease was the main definition of healthy aging. Conclusion: Autonomy and functional capacity are directly linked to quality of life and healthy aging. Thus, the multidisciplinary team should promote activities aimed at maintaining the functionality of older people in order to prevent or delay disability, limitations and dependence in older people.Downloads
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