Prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis and respiratory symptomatic subjects in a referral psychiatric hospital in
Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Psychiatric Hospitals, Smoking.Abstract
Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of bacilliferous pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) and respiratory symptomatic (RS) subjects in a referral public psychiatric hospital in Alagoas, Brazil. Methods: Quantitative cross-sectional research conducted in the hospital wards of Portugal Ramalho Hospital School by means of questionnaire forms addressing demographic, epidemiological and social data, from March to April 2013. Groups established: RS, which underwent sputum collections for bacilloscopy, and asymptomatic subjects (RA). Results: The study included 143 participants, with 61.5% (n=88) males, 51.7% (n=74) young adults, 30.8% (n=44) illiterate and 41.3% (n=59) presenting some debilitating comorbid condition. The prevalence of bacilliferous PTB was found at 0.69% (n=1). RS represented 14.7% (n=21) of the sample and were associated with the group of patients hospitalized for over two years and without prospect of discharge (p=0.01), and to smoking (p=0.02). Conclusion: A high prevalence of bacilliferous PTB was found in this group, compared to that found in the Brazilian population, and RS subjects were associated with longer hospitalization length and smoking.Downloads
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