Profile of gym-goers from a municipality of Rio Grande do Sul
Diet, Gyms, Physical Activity, Health.Abstract
Objective: To determine the profile of gym-goers from the city of Canguçu, RS. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study conducted with 177 gym-goers in different modalities. We used a structured questionnaire containing 76 questions to measure sociodemographic, anthropometric, nutritional and behavioral variables, as well as information related to the activities at the gym. We conducted a descriptive analysis of data with estimation of means ± standard deviations for continuous variables and estimation of proportions for categorical variables. Results: 177 gym-goers from the city of Canguçu, RS, participated in the study (30±12.5 years; 70.0±12.8kg; 1.69±0.1m). Regarding behavioral variables, most participants never smoked (71.8%), did not drink excessively (89.9%) and were active during leisure time (87%). As to nutritional variables, 66.7% had normal body mass index and the majority did not meet the recommendations for daily consumption of fruit and vegetables and did not use dietary supplements (69.5%). Regarding the variables related to the gym, most respondents have attended the gym for more than 12 months (56.5%), four or more times a week (52%), at night (52.5%) and reported that the main reason for going to the gym was to be healthy (78%). Respondents reported being satisfied with the goals achieved (60%) and practiced weight training (97.2%). Conclusion: Most gym-goers were young, males, active during leisure time, practiced weight training, and were satisfied with the results achieved at the gyms. Nevertheless, behavioral change strategies regarding the consumption of fruit and vegetables are necessary.Downloads
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