Motor perceptual functions of children with cleft lip and palate
Neuropsychology, Cleft Palate, Perception.Abstract
Objective: To investigate the neuropsychological visual motor perceptual functions of children with cleft lip and palate. Methods: Observational, prospective, cross-sectional, descriptive study, held at a referral hospital for craniofacial anomalies in the period from August 2012 to February 2013. The study included 50 children of both sexes, 25 of them with cleft lip and palate, comprising GI, and 25 children as control group, GII, aged 10 years. For evaluation, the study applied the Coloured Progressive Matrices, the Visual Motor Gestalt Test, and Neuropsychological Subtests Examination, followed by statistical evaluation, using promotion and correlation tests (Fischer) at 5% significance level. Results: The group with cleft lip and palate showed performance below the expected average for their age, the group with the trans-incisive foramen cleft type being the most affected in the performance of visual motor perceptual competence. Pre- and post-foramen cleft types obtained average scores, with values matching the control group. Conclusion: Children with cleft lip and palate of trans-foramen type were found more liable to present disorders in visual motor functions. Furthermore, skills in the perceptual and constructive domains are related to performances classified below the expected mean for the age range in the target population.Downloads
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