HIV-seropositive women: Understanding, feelings and experience before motherhood
Breastfeeding, HIV/Transmission, Prejudice.Abstract
Objective: To understand the feelings of HIV-carrier women, emphasizing the significance of being pregnant, the inability to breastfeed and the living relating the means used to suppress lactation. Methods: A descriptive research with qualitative benchmark, conducted in an obstetric referral secondary hospital with 12 HIV-seropositive mothers in the immediate postpartum period in the city of Fortaleza-CE, Brazil, during September and October 2009. Data was collected in the form of semi-structured interview, recorded with prior consent, the statements being then analyzed and grouped by thematic analysis technique. Results: The results made it possible to understand the burden of feelings like sadness, surprise, despair and self-prejudice regarding the disclosure of diagnosis and concern for the child’s health. The impossibility of breastfeeding led to frustration and denial to hide the disease. Conclusion: Women were in affective and social conflict due to uncertainty over the disease transmission to the child and the social stigma of being HIV-positive. doi:10.5020/18061230.2013.p281Downloads
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