Evaluation of rotavirus enhanced epidemiologic surveillance
Epidemiological Surveillance, Rotavirus, Health Evaluation, Diarrhea.Abstract
Objective: To assess the practices of Rotavirus surveillance, identifying the positive aspects and the difficulties found through the evaluation model from the Enhanced Surveillance of Rotavirus Diarrheal Diseases. Method: This is an evaluative and qualitative research performed in two different Brazilian states between March and November 2010. Participated in the evaluation 14 subjects in total (from central, state and municipal level), which were submitted to tape-recorded interviews using semi-structured questionnaires, along with conduction of document analysis and direct observation of routine service within their respective units. This information allowed to feed a judgment matrix, thus highlighting the various aspects comprising the system operation. Results: Positive aspects were observed (the sensitivity to capture cases, the system acceptability by the technicians involved, the proper physical structure and the training and updating of technicians), and operational difficulties when conducting surveillance activities (the shortage of human and financial resources and the low opportunity of the information system). Conclusion: The results suggest the low effectiveness of the monitoring system adopted, indicating that the sentinel type of surveillance may not be the most appropriate for the health system in the studied states. doi:10.5020/18061230.2014.p140Downloads
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