Search for the treatment of pain crises in sickle cell disease: mothers’ conceptions
Children's Health, Sickle cell anemia, Pain, TherapeuticAbstract
Objective: To know the aspects involved in the search for treatment of pain crisis in sickle cell disease based on mothers’/caregivers’ conceptions. Methods: This qualitative descriptive study was carried out between the months of July and November 2017 at the Center for the Care of People with Sickle Cell Disease in Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil, with six parents/guardians of children and adolescents aged 6-18 years. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews. The data were analyzed based on thematic content analysis criteria and presented in four categories: “Reasons that lead to the search for specialized centers”, “Difficulties encountered in the path to the health center/logistics”, “Infrastructure/lack of professional awareness for urgent care”, and “Conditions for hospital discharge/feelings at hospital discharge”. Results: The main reasons for looking for a specialized center were pain crises, fever, and previous infections. The difficulties encountered in the path/logistics refer to the long path between home and hospital, lack of own vehicle, and the delay in service provision. The hospital infrastructure was considered comfortable, but cases of disregard of pain and lack of comprehensive care were associated with lack of professional awareness of the problem. The discharge conditions were related to pain relief, bringing feelings of joy at hospital discharge. Conclusion: The findings reveal factors related to the difficult access to health services due to social vulnerability and a need need for effective health education strategies to train parents/guardians in home care with the aim of preventing crises in addition to creating new specialized centers to facilitate the provision of humanized care to the patient and family.Downloads
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