Health education on sexually transmissible infections to Nursing College students
Health Education, Sex Education, Nursing, Sexually Transmitted DiseasesAbstract
Objective: To describe the experience of Nursing students in health education practices about sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Data Synthesis: The educational activities of an extension project were developed for first-year students at the Faculty of Nursing of the University of Pará (UFPA), located in the municipality of Belém, Pará, Brazil, from March to December 2019. The practice of health education was divided into three stages: STI: epidemiology, etiologic agent, symptoms and prevention; Good practices for the correct use of male and female condoms; and Sexual transmission mode of STIs / HIV and the importance of being health multipliers, which consisted of a dynamic and dialogue circle on the theme. Conclusion: The extension activity made it possible to discuss the promotion of students' sexual health aiming at the prevention and control of STI transmission. For extension workers, the experience favored the autonomy of health education activities and the understanding of the need to address the topic with young people entering the university and also to establish socialization with students to sensitize them to be health multipliers.Downloads
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