Effectiveness of educational interventions with pregnant women on the level of knowledge about breastfeeding
Breastfeeding, Health Education, PregnancyAbstract
Objective: To evaluate the level of knowledge about breastfeeding in women in the first half of pregnancy receiving prenatal care through the Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde – SUS) and carry out health education activities on this subject with the aim of improving pregnant women’s level of knowledge. Methods: This longitudinal intervention study was conducted at the Primary Health Care (PHC) centers of Limoeiro do Norte, Ceará, Brazil with 57 women in the first half of pregnancy. Socioeconomic information on education, ethnicity, professional activity, household income, and marital status was collected and knowledge of four breastfeeding-related thematic blocks was evaluated: prenatal breast care, advantages of breastfeeding for the mother-child binomial. child, lactation physiology and appropriate breastfeeding techniques. Subsequently, four educational interventions were carried out on a weekly basis either in the PHC centers or at home focusing on the four approaches described in the form. The knowledge evaluation instrument was then reapplied. Results: Pregnant women’s level of knowledge improved in all the domains of breastfeeding analyzed: from 62.8% to 83.0% of correct answers in thematic block one (range: 20.2%); from 71.6% to 87.5% in block two (15.9%); from 66.9% to 79.7% in block three (12.7%); from 63.6% to 92.6% in block four (29.0%). There was a greater impact on “adequate breastfeeding techniques”. Conclusion: Pregnant women had adequate knowledge about most questions about breastfeeding. Health education was effective in improving such knowledge, which in the future may reflect on the prolongation of exclusive breastfeeding duration. Registration Number (ReBEC): RBR-3rs7sxDownloads
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