Music in the hospital: health promotion in oncology
Health Promotion, Music, Hospitalization, Medical Oncology, Patient Care, Humanization of Assistance.Abstract
Objective: To share the experience of using music in the hospital environment to promote the health of cancer patients and their families. Data synthesis: This is an experience report developed in 2018 at an extension program of a federal university in a state in Southern Brazil with the participation of professors and students who weekly sing in the rooms of patients admitted to a public hospital in the region and who perform in the oncology, radiotherapy and chemotherapy department using two guitars and a violin. The authors realized that music generates smiles, hugs and hope and provides moments of leisure and reflection not only to the patients, but also to the families who accompany them and the multi-professional team, thus promoting health in the hospital environment. Conclusion: The participation in this extension activity provided the students and the event promoters with the opportunity to develop a differentiated view about the patient and the act of caring and the awakening of a noble and meaningful feeling: the humanized care in the health care facility.Downloads
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