Cross-cultural translation, validation and adaptation of the Schoolagers’ Coping Strategies Inventory for Colombian schoolchildren




Validation Studies, Surveys and Questionnaires, Nursing Methodology Research, Adaptation, Psychological.


Objective: To carry out the cross-cultural validation and adaptation of the Schoolagers' Coping Strategies Inventory (SCSI) with Colombian students. Methods: Methodology research carried out from 2015 to 2016 with students aged 8 to 15 years from public and private schools in Ibagué, Colombia. A characterization form and the SCSI were used. The cross-cultural validation was organized in eight stages: official translation into Spanish, translation of the original into English, reverse translation, consensus version, facial validity and language adaptation by students, facial and content validity by experts, final version, pilot study and reliability. Results: the original English version was adapted to the Spanish and Colombian language with the help from students of high and low socioeconomic statuses in focus groups and pilot study using their verbal expressions and modifying 4 items and with the collaboration of experts in methodological research and coping who also modified 4 items. Reliability was 0.80. Conclusion: SCSI was cross-culturally validated and adapted for the Colombian population. The final version was named SCSI-VCONF and was understandable to the target population, valid and reliable for research with schoolchildren to determine the frequency of use and effectiveness of coping strategies.


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Author Biographies

Karol Johanna Briñez Ariza, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Enfermera, especialista en cuidado crítico pediátrico, especialista en epidemiología, Magíster en enfermería, candidata a Doctora en Enfermería. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Becaria Colciencias. Bogotá (Colombia)

Clara Virginia Caro Castillo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Enfermera, Doctora en Filosofía. Profesora del Programa de Posgrados Unidisciplinarias Facultad de Enfermería. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Bogotá (Colombia).

Marta Lenise Do Prado, Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina

Enfermera. Doctora en Filosofia de La Enfermeria – UFSC. Profesora del Programa de Pos-grado en Enfermeria de la Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina. Integrante del Laboratorio de Investigacion y Tecnologia en Educacion en Enfermeria y Salud – EDEN. Investigadora del CNPq 1B. Florianópolis (Brasil)


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How to Cite

Briñez Ariza, K. J., Castillo, C. V. C., & Prado, M. L. D. (2018). Cross-cultural translation, validation and adaptation of the Schoolagers’ Coping Strategies Inventory for Colombian schoolchildren. Brazilian Journal in Health Promotion, 31(3).



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