From evidence-based practice to evidence-informed public health: a narrative review
Public Health, Evidence-based Medicine, Decision Making.Abstract
Objective: To review the literature about the description of concepts and the use of scientific evidence in Public Health (PH). Methods: A narrative review was carried out using and combining the keywords “Public Health” OR “Collective Health”; “Evidence-based medicine” and “Evidence-informed policy” to consult the Lilacs, SciELO and MedLine databases. The searches were limited to articles published between January 1990 and December 2016 in Portuguese and/or English. The studies were selected by two independent authors who read the title, abstract and full text. For the synthesis process, the themes found were grouped into three main guiding axes: health evidence and practice, PH evidence, and the advances and challenges of Evidence-Informed Public Health (EIPH). Results: The findings of this review point out that decision making in PH is more complex than individual clinical decisions as it involves assessment of budgetary and political impacts, thus reinforcing the relevance of adopting evidence-informed practice in this field. Conclusion: The means of appropriation and use of evidence in the PH field are complex because they involve assumptions of plausibility and adequacy that are not always observed in individual interventions. Yet, the field benefits from the approach observed in EIPH and, particularly, in health decision making.Downloads
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